With the chance of new things happening, adventures ahead and craziness altogether; I was able to get some good shoes for that "new promise" look. Awesomely enough I was able to get two pairs of shoes: a pair of boots and a pair of Airwalk boot style sneakers (don't really know what to call them). They were on sale at a local Manhattan Payless Shoe Store and I figured why not? As you can see, the boots have this Bob Dylan thing going on. If you replace the belt buckle on the side with one of those old school cowboy star things I swear it would be a total throwback to the Twilight Zone but enough of that....

The other pair of shoes are awesome because of the good graphics on the whole entire fabric of the shoe. For those of you gals who are into good graphic shoes I recommend these with some good fishnet stockings, a skirt or something quite rocking to show those crazy graphics out. Buying these two pairs of shoes made me think of an episode on the Dr. Oz show about high heels. It is an interesting thing to think about something so simple as shoes affect your health. Dr. Oz is a show hosted by a doctor who gives recommendations that are natural to its best in helping people avoid medical risks. In the segment I am referring to, Dr. Oz talks about the fact that wearing high heels 4 inches and above affect not only your gait but can cause other medical risks of having knee joint problems and spine alignment issues. Sure high heels define those legs but at the same time: is it worth it? Dr. Oz is a very good show for "adult" problems I am sure younger people than the audience who goes to the show share similar/same health problems/risks. I recommend to watch it because you will be surprised with the small things that matter a lot to your health. If you are interested in watching more on what he has to say about high heels click
Could you be teetering on the brink of injury or a lifetime of arthritis?
Learn how wearing high heels throws your body off.. |
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