*pops in like a weasel* POPPING LIKE A WEASEL HERE! Glad to see you guys yet again for another blog post! I am here dealing with some school stuff, music, friends, some MClovin groovy lovin! (W00T!) and awesomeness here and there. So I apologize for the irregularity of my blogposts here and in my other blogs. Regardless, I am here out and about! ;D I went to another concert this past Sunday that was OFF THE CHAAAANG! (sorry for the tadbit of slang) I am already pumped talking about. I know its a bit off putting to be partying while an awful thing happened more than a decade ago but I figured the dead don't need no more crying they need to be remembered in a happy way.
a guy literally crowd surfing! |
As you can see, in the background there is a miniature replica of the twin towers in commemoration of Sept 11. SOOO don't fret amigos, it was one helluva of a commemoration. This time instead of alternative psychedelic music playing it was straight-up homemade punk (as in intense guitar, shouting/singing, crazy drum rhythm, and the overall beat to mosh to PLUS the moshpit itself). So much was going on, it was RA-di-CAL. The venue itself was the type many gamers would get into especially with the original homemade arcade games available for those who want to play.
There is one arcade game where there is a mat with letters in style of DDR and people were stepping on combos to get this random guy on a screen to climb up to his destination. I was amazed. As the concert progressed things just got more interesting. The first band was these two guys playing gamer sounds on a machine while having some sort of poem in Space Invader style on a small screen. I was amazed by how much I didn't know discovering this new scene. Of course, there was a 5-10 minute break to recover from while the [Beach Boys] played in the background, allowing for people to mingle as the next band got their instruments ready. The next band got on which was mostly an instrumental band incorporating crazy violin sounds that sounded like an opera star singing along with some wicked bass lines. You think, that sounded just intoxicatingly radical? Well, there is M.O.R.E!
everyone gathering around for the last band |
Next, was this all girl band that was just amped with soft vocal tones and a punky riot grrrl combo of guitar, bass, and drums. The vocalist hair was blowing in the face of a fan making it just (pardon my french) FUCKING AWE-SOME! I was enjoying this surge like no other, along with my handy dandy companion that night (don't ask lol). I thought to myself, "wow things can't get any better"....... until they did. The last band got up and everyone gathered around. The drummer looked like he had a gas mask on his face while the vocalist rocked his long fro like no other! Sadly I wasn't close enough to catch the glory of the bassist and the composite as a whole, but I do remember the experience of them playing. It was the climax itself ending a long winding down of a yellow brick road with patches and reminiscent cracks of what punk was back in the 90's, 80's and the 70's put all together in a cauldron. (YES IT WAS WORTH ALL THOSE METAPHORS!). It was ridiculous. Not only was the music awesome, the events around the band were just ridiculously shocking [well to me anyway]. As you can see from the photo, a guy decided to take it upon himself on bringing a short board for SURFING so he can LITERALLY [and I mean LITERALLY] crowd surf.
Yeah..the guy didn't even fall. (Things just got intense up in HERE!)The drummer unfortunately didn't get on the board but he did play his drums while being held up by the crowd. Sooooooo, point of this story is: if you are in NYC check out this
hotspot on facebook for some underground music ACTIOOOON! Hope you dig it!
Til Next Blog Post,
Miss Bobo

P.S. I haven't forgotten about True Blood. YEEEAAAAH expect a review in a short amount of time. In the meantime eat this blog post with your bare FEET! lol.. Just joshing ya! I apologize for not having the band names but I will investigate more on this such horrifyingly AWE-SOME! (get it awe-SOME!) occurrence. now seriously...til next blog post folks!
Oh my, all that weasel popping sounds extremely messy! Just dropping by to say, "Hi"!
thank you for dropping by :D and yes popping like a weasel is messy like wack a mole messy :D
Wow I love your enthusiasm in this post! It sure sounds like you had a blast in the concert!
Lol @ off the chaaang! I'm glad you enjoyed the concert, it seemed awesome. I'm not in NYC anymore or I would have REALLY wanted to check it out. ;[
@Oliver, thanks man. when I wrote this I was also coming from the whole adrenaline of it. NEVERTHELESS! thank you for your comments :D
@Real Queen of Horror: WHAT?!!! if you were here I would've asked for your number and we would have rolled down the night!!!! too bad! hpefully you will visit
You really should take me to a concert.
From what I've seen and read you really go to exciting ones and have a good time ~
The board surfing in the crowd seems very cool though.
thanks for commenting but hey you give me your digits lol and I got you xD you are all the way in california O.O
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