So you wanna get the deal-i-o on whats going on in the alternative rock world? There is no channel for it and the show that does is well coming back on some other time.. Don't worry ol' friend, you can have your alternative rock news on the go with
RockNRollTV podcast. The link is the official website to it but you can check that fun stuff out on ITunes and subscribe with your ITunes account for
FREE! yes for
FREE! Hosted by this awesome once-musician, Share Ross, Ross shares the Rock N Roll news with her awesome humor and spunky attitude. You will be surprised as to what you will find out. And what is even more awesome about this podcast is that they give you coupon codes for online websites such as Angie's list, Eastbay, Zazzle, and other such websites. CHECK THAT PODCAST OUT! W00T!
what a looker right! taken from her website |
Note: if you want to check Share Ross out and her impressive work, you can on her website: http://www.shareross.com/
or find her on facebook.
Til Next Blogpost,
Miss Bobo
iLove free things ~ : D x )
Aha iJust Alternative Rock and checked out the website, nice post !
thanks man! <3
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