Friday, August 5, 2011

Etsy Discovery Galore Numero #2

Ghostlove Shop Icon! 
Being on Etsy I am finding some delicious looking shops and some of them find me through my Etsy activity feed. The other day I found an awesome Gothic couture shop called GhostLove Jewelry with wonderful models in hot gothic outfits. The shop is owned and founded by Dawn Rozakis since June 2008. Since then she has sold over 3000 accessories. (Talk about a hit!) Looking through the awesome handmade (!!!) accessories, I had to find out more about this wonderful creator of such marvelous Gothic goodies. Here is an interview, an attempt or rather quest for more more more! Enjoy at your will (*evil laugh cough cough*)..

1. What is your inspiration for making your jewelry?
Wonderful Victorian choker
I derive most of my inspiration from gothic and macabre art, the occult, and history.

2. What do you do when you get "art-blocked"?
I try to browse some of my “muse” blogs or go see an art exhibit if I am really uninspired for some reason.

3. What brought you the idea of selling on etsy?
I was originally a customer on etsy and loved the idea of buying handmade directly from the artist. I decided to open a shop when I started my jewelry line as a way to “test” my designs out in the marketplace before I launched

4. When you are not making new accessories and selling them on etsy, you are....?
Well, I am shamefully addicted to tumblr, so you can usually find me there wasting time. Otherwise I am working on stories or music.

5. Any tattoos to be proud of?
Nope. No tattoos on my body. I used to have nipples rings by I took them out recently.

an accessory of the Pirate collection
6. favorite mythical creature?
I love the idea of a babel fish, although that is not technically mythical.

7. combat boots or a corset?
Definitely combat boots lately…but I have been known to rock a ribcage corset from Louise Black.

8. Favorite bands/ books?
Lately I’ve been really into Austra, Zoe Keating, and Cults but my favorite band is New Model Army.
Don’t have a favorite book, but I just read J-Pod and it was awesome.

9. What's a tip you would give to a potential etsy seller?
Keep in mind that there are now millions of etsy shops, all competing for eyes. Make sure your product has a good description, great photos and competitive pricing.

10. What is something daring you would want to do?
I would like to go backpacking across Asia with my beau.

11. Anarchy or rebellion?
Definitely rebellion. There is always a massive concentration of human energy lurking just below the surface of everyday life that has the power to change the world. Sometimes I can actually feel it and it sort of wakes me up inside.

If you dig Dawn Rozakis and her marvelous macabre-Gothic-couture-Lolita creations check her out on:


Anonymous said...

Ah! i just discovered etsy the other day ago..


zaynab. said...

LORD. They have A M A Z I N G stuff.
: O
The fact that it's all handmade is really cool too.
Thanks for sharing this ~ * O * Hopefully my dad might buy me something from her shop.

Miss Bobo said...

@Anon! YES!!! I KNOW! @iZaynab well hopefully you can. Etsy is reliable enough that any mishaps you get a high chance of getting your money back